Dear City,

So my story goes like this… In 2015, I declined to perform a declaw on a 7 year old cat.

The husband and wife wanted me to declaw their cat who they were afraid would jump into their newborn babies crib and scratch it.  She was still pregnant and they didn’t want to have to worry about it once the child was born.

The cat had a history of inappropriate urination and I tried to explain that this would only make it worse.  I tried to reason with them and give them alternatives, but they were insistent and aggressive on the phone.  I gave them options of other veterinarians to have a consult with and they didn’t want to go there.

I was told I was a liar (the cat never inappropriately urinated), it was in the cats medical records from a different clinic, I couldn’t have forged that and why would I?

I was told I wasn’t sensitive to their concerns, but I was being an advocate for the cat.  I was then bullied online and through my work by them.  They both posted negative yelp, twitter, facebook reviews.  They of course didn’t state the reason why we disagreed on their case, they only stated that I was unprofessional and insensitive and made up records. To this day, I decline performing declaws and I am proud of myself for not giving into those people.

They both yelled and called me and my receptionist names. They belittled us and demanded we declaw their cat as it was their choice.  I hope the cat is doing well, this still haunts me to this day.  They also contacted my boss to try to get me fired over this.


As a veterinarian I am against declawing cats because I advocate for my patients.  I believe amputating a cat’s toes is not in the cat’s best interest and is only in the owner’s interest (their furniture).  In fact declawing will cause pain in the cat both in the short term and in the long term resulting in arthritis and stress.  Declawing will cause behavioral concerns that often end up with the cat in a shelter situation.

In the shelters the declawed cats are scared and often won’t be adopted out and will be euthanized due to the behavioral issues that can’t be resolved.

I want my cat patients to live long, happy and healthy lives with all their toes.  I love cats, so I don’t declaw!

Wesley is my rescue cat.  He’s almost 2 years old. I also foster cats and found homes for 15 this last winter.
